We are a co-educational school with 200 pupils in single stream classes.

Listellick Primary school is located on the Abbeydorney Road on the outskirts of Tralee town overlooking the beautiful Tralee Bay.​

Teacher-Artist Partnership (TAP)

Teacher Artist Partnership (TAP) CPD is a Department of Education and Skills initiative for supporting and enhancing arts in education. Jonathan Kelliher is working with 5th and 6th class on performance, dance and singing.

Part of this initiative is a teacher-artist CPD course to train teachers to work collaboratively with artists to provide high quality arts education for children. To date, four of our teachers have done this training.

We have also linked with well-known artist, Áine Ní Chíobháin, who worked with our fifth class girls on portraiture, construction and film-making.




We raise our children from 6 months to 7 years old.​


There is a half-day and all-day training program


Our classrooms are for 10 people. No additional quotas provided.


Teaching English, French and German. (German extra charge)​